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NSE Cracks Down on Financing Schemes Used By Deep In The Money Option Players

A new circular from NSE changes the financing game for people who’ve been using the options market for financing deals. The NSE will require cash to be ...

NSE/BSE Change Rules on Option Expiry To Reduce Excess STT Payouts

You know, of course, that if you buy options and let them expire in the money, that you pay a ludicrous amount of Securities Transaction Tax. It is 0.1% of the ...

Uncle Theta Goes Intraday, Just For One Day

Bank Nifty went mad today. It was up some 400 points and still climbing. Even then, there was a strategy. We noted this on Slack, and this is where Uncle Theta ...

Options Workshop in Bangalore: Sign Up For A Great Session

On Saturday, September 3rd, we’ll conduct an awesome session on Options, in Bangalore. This is a workshop on options – and is meant for traders who ...

Making Profits Because Of The STT: Uncle Theta Shows You How

If you can't beat the STT, you join it, says Uncle Theta. STT is Securities Transaction Tax. But Uncle Theta has found a way to make it a profitable thing with ...

Uncle Theta Explores a Rich Nephew Strategy with Warrants

Uncle Theta goes big. Some of you in Capitalmind Premium will remember the incredible deal in October 2015, when HDFC did an institutional placement of bonds. ...

Uncle Theta: A short calendar on Bank Nifty

I have to admit. The past few weeks have been a trying time. With IVs low all across the board, there's nothing much to do. I was bored and desperate. So late ...

How the #Brexit trade returned 5% in 5 days

Uncle Theta doesn’t like to boast. But what to do if things just worked well, and Uncle had to tell you how? So let me.    Remember the #Brexit play we ...

Options: Is there a #Brexit play? Uncle Theta explores.

The event is upon us and India VIX – a measure of uncertainty in NIFTY’s options market – reached adulthood today, closing above 18. If you ...

Snap: See Change in Open Interest in One Easy Chart!

We’ve made some cool additions to Capital Mind Snap and one of the new additions is the Change in Open Interest. On a chart that shows all the strike ...