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The stock does not know you own it

"You really have to believe in the companies that you're investing in, and that means having a level of conviction that most people don't have. If you don't ...

Identities or Beliefs

From sports teams we enthusiastically support, to the kind of consumers we are, our religion, and our political affiliation, we all carry around multiple ...

On Market Timing: What if you were the luckiest investor in India?

Covid, lockdowns, forced working from home were the guests who would never leave. After two years, we had just about managed to manoeuvre them toward the door. ...

The five most commonly held Investing Myths

Investing is an interesting field. Not only because you make money out of it, and that money can do great things, from buying big shiny objects to letting you ...

Everything you need to know about Rights Issue of shares

What are Rights Issue of shares? Why do companies do Rights Issues? Why are they only available to existing shareholders? What should shareholders consider ...

How Market Linked Debentures (MLDs) Work

Imagine that a bank told you their fixed deposits will pay based on the weather. If it’s sunny on your maturity date, you get 8%. If it’s cloudy, ...

Which is the best Nifty Factor Index?

When you hear "the index", most investors think of the NIFTY50 or the NIFTY500. As market-cap-weighted composites of the largest companies in India, they ...

What is the e-RUPI? How does it work?

The NPCI has launched the e-RUPI, a new way of giving someone money for a specific purpose. What is this new thing? Is it an old thing that looks like a new ...

Five perils of momentum investing you cannot ignore

Momentum investing has become the rage these days. Not surprising given the purple patch momentum strategies have been going through over the last 18 ...

Common sense position sizing for investors

Good traders worry all the time about blowing up. So they cap their exposure to any single position. Most active investors have the opposite problem. They tend ...