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Month: November 2008

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SOS Rollover: Exit ICICI and Axis, keep all else

So it’s that time of the year. Time to rollover all the contracts. I’m staying out of ICICI and Axis, but I will get back immediately after a rate ...

Candle lighting is a waste of time. Do something.

Let us not light a few candles this time. I hear about candle vigils and lighting lamps and whatever the F. And we will then go on living our lives like they ...

Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need Better Reaction Support

It’s been a long, crazy night. Gun toting terrorists have attacked Mumbai’s hotspots – The Taj and Oberoi hotels, Cafe Leopold in Colaba, ...

Gilt yields go down, gilt fund prices jump

Reuters: Indian bond yields at 3-yr lows on rate cut hopes Indian federal bond yields dived to three-year lows on Wednesday after China’s rate cuts ...

Would you like an online course for Futures and Options?

A number of commenters here have expressed their interest in F&O but that it is entirely difficult to decipher or understand. I was thinking of an online ...

SOS Update: Up 20%

End of another dramatic week, and the Short Only Strategy is now up 20%. Thanks of course to some huge downmoves since last week, especially on HDIL. Current ...

Buffett – Down but Not Out?

Buffett’s saga continues. The shares of BRK-A were down, at the bottom a couple days back, to nearly 50% of their highs of $150K. His derivatives bet ...

Bangalore Pink Slips and Resilient People

Meltdown impact: It was over in 5 minutes Sandeep Jadhav, a 27-year-old professional in India’s outsourcing industry, had only seen the good times. He worked ...

World Recession Is Here

From Stratfor’s Geopolitical Diary (Subscribe only) The world, at least by our reckoning, is now officially in recession. The downturn has three strands. ...

The Starbucks Theory

Says Daniel Gross, in Slate: …I propose the Starbucks theory of international economics. The higher the concentration of expensive, nautically themed, ...