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6 ArticlesShenanigans

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The Curious Case of Assets That Live Too Long

This post explores the tricky world of accounting, and highlights how some businesses manipulate the “useful life” of their assets to inflate profits in ...

Fundas: Financial Shenanigans Part 5: Acquisition Accounting

In this last post on the financial shenanigans series, we look at how revenues, earnings and cash flows can be managed when companies are in acquisition mode. ...

Fundas : Financial Shenanigans Part 4: Key Metric Shenanigans

In our earlier posts we had written about how companies manipulate revenues and expenses to boost earnings, we had also spoken about how cash flows – ...

Fundas : Financial Shenanigans Part 3: Manipulating Cash Flows

In this post we look at how company’s can manage the cash flow statements and hide the true economic picture of the company. The Financial Shenanigans ...

Fundas : Financial Shenanigans Part 2: Manipulating Expenses

In the first part of this series, we wrote about how companies could manipulate earnings. We continue here with examples on how companies manipulate ...

Fundas : Financial Shenanigans Part 1: Manipulating Revenues

This is a quick note to the shady promoter community. If you’re looking to hoodwink the public investors then this series is for you. It will help you ...