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[Podcast] RBI hits NBFCs hard with two new regulations

The RBI, often the silent architect of our financial landscape, has made strategic manoeuvres that reshape the terrain for banks, non-banking financial ...

[Podcast] A Deeper Look into Asset Management in India

Join us on Capitalmind Podcast, where we demystify the world of finance without the jargon. In today’s episode, talk about the asset management industry in ...

[Podcast] How money gets created in India

Ever wondered about the whole money thing – how it's made, where it comes from? Well, in this podcast episode, we're breaking it all down, and without using ...

[Podcast] Going gaga over options in India

 If you are even a little active on social media, especially Twitter, you would have witnessed the ...

[Podcast] Should you invest in a PMS?

 Welcome back to the Capitalmind Podcast – a place where we dissect the nuances of finance and investing, in ...

[Podcast] Stock market returns are lumpy. Get used to it

 Our latest podcast episode is here, and it’s all about exploring the different ways investors make money in ...

[Podcast] What Lies Behind Mutual Fund Expense Ratios: SEBI’s Call for Transparency in TERs

   Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, where we dive deep into the world of finance and investment. In ...

Podcast: How arbitrage funds might have systemic risk on a tax-rule change

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck", goes the saying. Arbitrage mutual funds are actually taxed ...

[Podcast] Here’s why taxes impact your investing decisions

 “Taxation is the price we pay for civilisation,” as the saying goes. But what happens when the price tag keeps going ...

[Podcast] How does short selling work?

Short selling is mostly misunderstood and often demonized. Quite understandable, it's difficult to put your head around a concept that involves selling ...