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Budgetonomics: E-Book on Budget 2013 Released!


You can now get my budget analysis (of Budget 2013) in e-book form, with “Budgetonomics”, with Dheeraj Singh.

Updated: Four new chapters with a ton of new charts!

Added new payment methods: A 10% discount for IMPS! (at the bottom) Plus, a Kindle version added.

Click the below image to buy!


The Book costs Rs. 99, and is about 65 pages long. (Buy now!)


Some of you might find much of the text familiar – it is the same you’ve seen at Capital Mind, though we have expanded some sections and added more information.


.. What the Heck is a Budget?
…. The Very Core Of It
…. If the budget is just a financial statement why all the buzz surrounding it?
…. Revenue, Expenditure and Deficits
.. The Budget, In Charts
…. Government Revenue crosses 10 Lakh Crore in 2013-14
…. Expenditure growth at 16% Next Year
…. Fiscal Deficit Looks Manageable, But This is a Budget
.. Some Highlights of Budget 2013
…. Huge Increase in Gross Borrowing
…. Some Of Them Companies Pay Very Little!
…. The government gets hyperactive in February and March
.. Since the 70s: A Historical Look at Budgets and Public Finances
…. Taxes are larger than ever
…. Direct Taxes Trump Indirect Levies
…. Big Ticket Expenditure Elements
…. Fiscal Deficit Woes
…. The Actual Figures
…. Inflation Seems To Be Moderating
…. GDP Growth Goes Off Trend
The Budget For….
.. For You and me – The Lowdown on Taxes
…. Taxes Slashed Across The Board.
…. Some Taxes Slashed? Tax Slabs Expanded? I might pay a little lesser tax? Maybe?
.. For Startups: The Mixed Bag
…. The Return of the Rs. 1 Crore Angel, Or Something
…. “Pass Through” Status Good For Angel Investors
…. Maybe Flipkart can Flip The FDI Probe Over
…. SME factoring credit guarantees to SIDBI
…. MSME benefits to continue upto three years after
…. Incubators for CSR
…. SMEs can list without IPO with informed investors
…. Unlisted Buy-Backs Get Taxed
The Budget for Traders and Investors
.. STT Gets Slashed, CTT comes in
…. Mutual Fund STT Cut
…. Futures STT cut to 1 basis point
…. Commodity Derivatives Taxed
.. Real Estate: Not a Happy Note
…. Home Loans Get Additional Tax Deduction on Interest, But Wait
…. Real Estate Transactions May Get Higher Service Tax Charge
…. TDS of 1% for property transactions
…. Stamp Duty Is The Real Deal
.. Dividend Distribution Tax on Debt Funds Raised to 25%
.. Foreign Investors
…. Foreigners Pay Lower Tax on Long Term Infra bonds
…. GAAR Comes In Later
…. Surprise: Residency not “sufficient”
The Budget For Everyone Else
.. Royalty Payments Get a 25% Tax
.. Invest Rs. 100 Cr. and get 15% Tax Deduction
.. No Cash for Political Investments
Loopholes and Workarounds
.. Keyman Insurance Loophole Plugged: All proceeds will be taxed
.. The Service Tax Amnesty Scheme
.. India loses 573,000 cr. from Tax Benefits
.. Avoid The DTT: Use a Systematic Withdrawal Plan Instead
…. Here’s how it works.
…. Example
…. Reinvesting Dividends
…. What This Means
Closing Remarks
.. Contact:   

Update: We have added new chapters to the book and have made it available to all customers.

  • More than 573,000 cr. lost due to Tax Incentives (Read More)
  • The Government’s Market Borrowings: (Read More)
  • New chapters on the History of Inflation, and A Novel Way to Avoid the DDT Impact (Read More)

EPub versions for e-readers are available to all paying customers, for free; please connect with us at deepakshenoy [at] for more details.

It’s my first e-book for sale, and an experiment that I hope will be fruitful. The cost is Rs. 99/- and for those of you who asked, the price has a lovely little ring to it.


Buy The e-Book “Budgetonomics” Now!

New Payment Method: a 10% discount for IMPS!

I’ve received a note that the Instamojo link above does not allow a few bank accounts (like SBI). In such a case you can transfer the money directly through IMPS (Read my post).

There are 38 banks that let you transfer through IMPS. Click here to get to your bank’s specific method.

I will further offer a 10% discount if you , because it saves me an enormous amount of trouble for tracking – the transfer is instant! Please send me your email address and any tracking number (whatever appears in the “description” column in your bank statement online) and I’ll be able to reconcile and send you the e-book.

Transfer details:

Name: Deepak Shenoy

MMID: 9240010

Mobile Number: 9999667010 (Please do not call this number, I won’t answer. It’s a Delhi number for posterity’s sake.)

Amount: Rs. 90/- 

(Note: If you want to do a bank-to-bank transfer, please contact me at deepakshenoy at and I will give you account details, plus IFSC code etc.)

New Kindle Version Available!

The Amazon Kindle version of the book is now available. You can read it on your iPad, your Android phone or tablet, or even your PC or Mac with the Free Kindle Software installed.

There have been four updates with more  charts over the two weeks after the release, and all buyers have gotten updates, for free. This is the final version and we hope you will like it!

Do post your thoughts and feedback. You can mail in at deepakshenoy [at]


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