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Month: August 2011

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The Minus 4.5% Week: MV Chronicle

At MarketVision, I write about the Minus 4.5% week and What Not To do. (Needs registration, free. Excerpts follow) The Minus 4.5% Week And What Not To Do The ...

Jago Investor Action Month, SEBI Regulations on Mutual Funds

Jago Investor is running an “action month” where they talk of “pure action”, you commit to taking certain action: buying a term plan, buying health ...

Charts: Card Usage and Payments In India

How do we use cards in India? RBI releases a bulletin every month containing such data and we can see how much cards have been used over time. Additionally, I ...

Beware of STT When Trading Options

Many people who trade options towards the last week of expiry have been excited by the volatility this month – coming after nearly a year of relatively sane ...

Market Crashes Below 5,000, Less than 18 P/E

The Markets today crashed comprehensively, but not deeply. With a fall of 2.2%, our fall is relatively nice compared to what European Markets fell today and ...

Tech: BankNifty Falls Below Support

Banks have gotten absolutely hammered in the last few days and it’s time to take on a short position as a solid support line has been breached; on the ...

India grapples to structure its economy (1950-1975)

Written for Yahoo. After Independence, our country was built on socialist principles, as the first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru sought to emulate the ...

Buying Below The 200 Day Moving Average

@b50 asked me a question that I I was thinking about point-to-point returns v/s SIP. Now while SIP has its virtues, I think it under-delivers in bull markets. ...

Prashant Jain: We’re Going Cheap

HDFC’s Prashant Jain says It is always darkest before dawn: Within it he sports this ...

Indian Market Snapshot: Aug 12, 2011

The Nifty’s fallen 16.5% from it’s near-term high of 5700 and it’s nearly 20% from the all-time high as of Friday. The P/E has now fallen to near 18, ...