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Ok, Tell them your NPAs, says the Court. Will all hell break loose now?

How does the Supreme Court Order suddenly introduce Rs. 130,000 cr. more bad loans into the system? What's with the interest-on-interest waiver? And why is the ...

Macronomics: Bond Auction Failures Make Yields Go Up Big Time

The 2021 budget has complicated things for the bond market. And there's been: Huge borrowing programme for Feb and March Failed bond auctions Big rise in ...

The 10 Things in Budget 2021 That Matter (*Conditions Apply)

The Budget for FY 2022 is here, and it's incredible in one thing: Not too many higher taxes. We thought there would be a corona cess, and there wasn't. An ...

Premium: Why Liquid Funds Will Suck For Fixed Income Portfolios

We’ve just changed the fixed income portfolio. Because the RBI, in its infinite wisdom, has thrown in the towel on interest rates. We have a video about ...

Macronomics: Why Those Interest Rates Aren’t Going Up

We present to you a list of charts that show how the economy is doing right now. From bank credit to housing loans to how inflation is looking. What it ...

No interest on interest: What is it going to cost the government?

We’ll take the hit, says the government, on the “interest on interest” waiver. After providing a moratorium on payments of loans, it soon ...

How Badly Has Indian Consumption Fallen? A Few Charts Show The Picture

You’re going to find this ugly. It’s now about 6 months since the first lockdown, and in that “semi” anniversary we see what the Covid ...

Auto Sales – Pent-up demand or a Sustainable uptick?

What do the latest Auto sales indicate us ? After 2 years of contraction in volumes, demand & margins being at historical low - we see some initial growth ...

The RBI Buys Gold, Buys US Dollars But Refuses to Help the Indian Government: From The Annual Report

The RBI has been hailed as an excellent regulator, but it's indeed disappointing that it chooses to fatten itself up at the cost of the Indian public and ...

The RBI Bazooka Rate Cut and Why There’s Still Space For More

We’re going to call this the Day 2 Post for the Covid Lockdown, though it’s Day 3, we know. Working from home is like every day is a Sunday even ...