All investors want to own quality companies in their portfolios, these are all weather companies which if held over long periods of time give satisfactory ...
In Part 1 of the Tile and Bathware Industry series, we looked at the Indian Tile Industry and how the market leader Kajaria dominates. Here we look at the ...
The ₹27,000 Crore Indian tile industry is fragmented, 55% of it is with small regional players and the remaining 45% with large organized players. Somany and ...
Ceramics stocks have been shining recently, and have shown improved margins. It was the same case with Cera and today again Asian Granito and Somany have ...
Kajaria Ceramics Kajaria Ceramics is the largest manufacturer of ceramic/vitrified tiles in India. It has an annual aggregate capacity of 68.60 mn. sq. meters, ...