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Actionables: The Reliance Rights nets 4%, POWERINDIA gets us 2.5%

This post covers the results from two recent experimental actions we posted for our premium members We had entered the Reliance Rights issue trade on the 20th ...

Trading the Reliance Rights Issue Like an Option

The Reliance Rights issue Opened today, we’ve written earlier about it here We did a super interesting #experimental trade on the Rights Issue which is ...

Actionable: A Calendar Butterfly and a Segregated Fund Set Up the Score For January

We had earlier spoken of a special situation with Franklin Templeton’s funds and the Vodafone Idea situation. (Post is here). On Friday, Franklin ...

Actionable: Opportunity courtesy Vodafone Idea [Premium Unlocked]

Update, 11 July 2020: We exit this trade with Vodafone Idea paying Franklin in full, and the trade nets a return of 5% in 6 days. (Read the closing post) ...

[Premium] The Bonus Stripping Opportunity to Reduce Your Taxes

Have you sold some ESOPs or unlisted company shares at a profit? Do you have any debt funds you want to exit due to their debt holdings but don’t want to ...

Premium: The Arbitrage in the Sale of a Paper Company

An interesting opportunity arises in a sale of a paper company. Acquisitions happen regularly, but this one is intriguing because the company is being sold at ...