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Month: June 2022

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Should gold be in your long-term portfolio?

With equities and bonds struggling in 2022, globally and in India, it's worth taking a fresh look at whether Gold should play a role in your portfolio. Does ...

[11 Jun 22] Newsletter: Blinded by the past, Chasing perfection, Putting probabilities in perspective & More

. 🔆 Psychology: Your memory may blind you from the future 🔆 Frameworks: When does value investing gives value? 🔆 Psychology: Chasing perfection in ...

Wealth Letter May 2022: Roadblocks on the journey

This is an excerpt from the May 2022 letter to Capitalmind PMS ...

Why are mutual fund AMCs falling so badly?

Why are mutual fund managers sulking? Asset Management Companies, or AMCs, have seen their stock prices battered recently. If India is investing and mutual ...

Newsletter: Mutual Funds investing in loss making IPOs, Thinking in odds, Measuring quality & More

🌟 5x5: Five articles summarised in five lines . 🔆 Insights: MFs investing in tech stocks that tanked. How bad is it? 🔆 Psychology: Thinking ...


To quote Bezos from his 2000 letter to shareholders: "Ouch." May was a terrible month. CM Momentum had its worst month in a long time. So what's ...