At Capitalmind, we often write posts on specific companies that we think are interesting and might make a good investment. In this post, we discuss a company ...
What goes up has to come down, said Isaac Newton, in reference to Gravity. Stock prices move in cycles with the upside celebrated as coming of age for the ...
Linde India is part of the global Linde Group and is owned by BOC UK. Linde India is a major player in India for industrial gases with more than 20 ...
In a very interesting article, Sanjay Bakshi takes on the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) – Read: A Highway Of Debt Sanjay says this of the ...
Aviation is one of the few Industries where the odds of success are so low that anyone who ventures would better be well funded and well executed to sustain ...
At Capitalmind Premium, we have a very active Slack channel where we discuss a lot of interesting topics. In there, a number of interesting links come our way. ...
Investing in ELSS schemes can help you save tax but then your money gets locked in for three years. So you better choose the right scheme. In this post, we ...