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Month: March 2018

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Charts: Nifty in FY18 Does Just 10% As March Takes The Index Down Some More

It’s the very end of the financial year, FY 2018. This may have sounded like a great year, but it’s really not that great when you tally the ...

Market Roundup – Opportunity or Crisis?

On Friday, the 23rd of March 2018, markets fell by 1.2%. While this is not a significant fall, what was significant was the fact that this drove the draw-down ...

Premium: CANSLIM Approach to Finding Quality Stocks – Part 2

This is a two-part series. Here is the second part.  In continuation to our series on CANSLIM. In this post we will apply this model in detail to the stocks ...

Premium: CANSLIM Approach to Finding Quality Stocks – Part 1

This is a two-part series. CANSLIM is a techno- fundamental method of picking high quality stocks. It was developed by investor William J. O’Neil. The ...

The Govt Will Borrow Lesser from Bonds Because We Still Love To Do PPF

It is now better for the government to borrow from your Provident Fund (PF) than to use bond markets. The government has, in an announcement, said that it will ...

Premium: Bond Baba Whispers – You Can Harvest Losses and Save Some Tax

It's coming close to the end of the financial year, and we have Bond Baba waking up from his long hiatus and telling us what we really want to know: How To ...

Chart: The Nifty, Adjusted for Inflation, Still Lower Than 2008

It’s interesting how inflation can be a killer. The 2008 high of the Nifty was 50% lower than the highs in Jan 2018. And yet, because of inflation, the ...

Premium: Should You Sell Because of the Long Term Capital Gains Tax on April 1?

Should you sell shares now due the long term capital gains tax coming from the next financial year? For the most part, the answer is no. Selling shares right ...

The Abeyaar Series #1: Evergreening

A conversation on Slack today on our Premium channel led to this explanation of the concept of “evergreening” loans by banks. So let’s say ...

Taking Stock: A Deeper Look at GNA Axles

At Capitalmind, we often write posts on specific companies that we think are interesting and might make a good investment. In this post, we discuss a company ...