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Month: May 2014

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The Reform of FDI in Defence is a Good Thing

The DIPP (Dept. of Industrial Policy and Promotion) has requested the cabinet to allow 100% FDI in the defense sector, up from the current 26%, says Economic ...

LearnTA: The Doji, White Soldiers and Black Crows

In today’s edition of Learning Technical Analysis, we’ll study a few Japanese Candlestick Patterns. We’ve already looked at the basics of what candles ...

J&K Bank Accused of Hiding NPAs

A news article at GreaterKashmir has accused J&K Bank of “Evergreening” NPAs. They have, it seems, not recognized potential defaults even though they ...

Why Did Reliance Buy Network18 When It Already Owned Network18?

The buzz in the media industry is that Reliance Industries (RIL) has decided to buy Network18. What fantastic news, you think, until you understand that ...

The Big Mo Corner: Benefits from an Infra Push

The Big Mo Corner by Mohit Satyanand. Discard the EPS. It’s the first metric I look at when evaluating a share, pairing it with the market price to ...

Optionalysis: Expiry and Max Pain

This is an archive post for Capital Mind Premium Subscribers, sent on 27 May 2014. Click here to Subscribe. A quick post on Options today. Max Pain (as we’ve ...

MCX Audit by PWC Shows Lots of Related Party Issues, Sham Trades

The Price Waterhouse Cooper report on MCX insider transactions is pretty damning. It’s at the end of this post, but here’s a quick summary: FTIL, which ...

Info: Ministers and Portfolios

The Ministers are here. We have a cabinet and ministers of state now, and the portfolios are given in the PM India web site: Portfolios of the Union Council of ...

Fake Website Warning: RBI Doesn’t Have Online Banking

RBI has warned people about a fake website called “” which is a phishing site. It only collects information about you, and tries to hack ...

CAPM Stop Losses : Action Post (Premium)

This is an archive post for Capital Mind Premium Subscribers, sent on 27 May 2014. Click here to Subscribe. In the CAPM portfolio, Two stop losses have been ...