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[Ad] Special Offer for CM Readers: 20% off on Mobile Accessories

Share:, an online Mobile Accessories store, has a special offer for Capital Mind Readers. They are offering a discount of Rs. 200 for a purchase of Rs. 999 and more.

DailyObjects sells accessories like mobile covers, chargers, webcams, travel bags etc. I have two products from their site – a mobile battery charger and a mousepad, which have worked well. If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, here you go:

Offer: Rs. 200 on purchases of Rs. 999 and above.

Coupon code: ilovedo200cptlmnds (You can apply this after you add items to your shopping cart)

Valid till: 06 Oct 2012

Note: You can’t do "cash on delivery" on coupon offers, and you need a minimum of Rs. 999 to take advantage of this offer.

If you have any feedback on the site – too expensive, difficult to use, or otherwise – do post a comment. You can also email Mr. Ashish Agarwal ( who will respond to comments and feedback.

Disclosure: You must consider this an advertisement.


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