Greece is preparing to leave the Euro, it seems. So they’re calling it the Grexit, which has just beaten "PIIGS" to being the worst disaster-shortened-word ever. Imagine if they called 9/11 a "terack" for a terrorist attack.
Anyone they’ve all adopted this sorry phrase, so we’ll have to deal with it, and in its honour let’s also create something for Spain, where the situation seriously sucks right now. Unemployment is 50% for the youth below 25, which sucks. Recently, in the age when you don’t have to go to a bank to withdraw money and can electronically transfer it out, some large Spanish banks are seeing bank-runs and losing money. It Spucks.
And Italy, they are licking their wounds. So, Italicks.
Germany is not being co-operative and is quite against any country asking for a bailout. Douche-land.
It can go on forever. The acronyms and short forms keep getting worse.