I’ve been interviewed at Blogadda with the flattering headline:
The fuel prices are rising. Inflation is increasing day by day. The Real estate prices have touched the roof. Many of you would be wondering, what are the causes and factors for this? What is the effect of international markets in our day to day life? How do we invest money in the correct way? Keeping all this in mind, we have invited a very special person at your Adda. He is one of the top bloggers from India who blogs on Finance, Market, Economics and much more. We are pleased to welcome Deepak Shenoy at your Adda. Are you ready to understand Indian Finance in a simple way and know more about Deepak and his life? Read on…
There was one question about startups I loved answering, and I’ve realized that applies to pretty much every field:
I would tell the starter-upper:
- Don’t worry about your peers. Just by the experience you gain, even if you fail, you’ll get a much better job later.
- Live your life. Don’t just work.
- Embrace change. Write that business plan and be ready to tear it up every day.
- Don’t listen to everyone’s gyan. There is altogether too much gyan.
- Just do things. Yeah, you’ll fail, but you can’t get the learning of failure from someone else. And that includes me.
- Be communicative. Talk, listen, write, speak publicly, present. You learn most when you communicate
If there’s anyone responsible for me getting this much bhaav, it’s you that read this blog and say hello every once in a while. Muchos gracias, spasiba and all that.