I’ve created a few videos at MarketVision, which I will highlight here:
Monthly Income Plans
Learn about how Monthly Income Plans work.
- Monthly Income Plans – Hybrid funds that mostly hold Debt
- How do they give you Monthly Income?
- How they are “slightly” safer.
- Risks involved
- MIPs in the real world
- Who should buy an MIP
- Selecting a plan
Conversation: With Manish Jain on ULIPs
A 25 minute conversation with Manish Jain on Unit Linked Insurance Plans. In a twist, Deepak Shenoy from MarketVision speaks with Manish about what’s good about them.
- Who are ULIPs suitable for?
- How do the new ULIP changes make the products better?
- What kind of misselling goes on and should be avoided
- And of course, who shouldn’t be buying them.
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