Manoj Kumar, CEO of Speak Asia has apologized for the gross error in saying they actually did any survey for Brands such as ICICI or Airtel or Tata Nano. It seems now that no such survey was done. (See the Headlines Today Video)
And he says these exact words:
"We do not say or believe that any one can pay us Rs. 11,000 and earn X amount of rupees. That’s not our promise."
Ooh. That must hurt. You don’t really earn money from surveys. You don’t expect your customers to earn money from their "investments" (technically the payment is for a newsletter).
More: The Goa government and RBI are investigating Speak Asia. And ET says even the MCA and Economic Offenses Wing are looking into the operations.This could just be the end-game for Speak Asia.
After all this if people still don’t get the concept that the company makes money out of new people, or new "bakras", then it really is not for lack of trying. Just avoid such companies, unless they offer you entry for free. If you are approached, say that you know other people who got in for free so you want free entry as well. If they vanish, you know how scammy it is.