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Month: October 2010

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At Yahoo: The Legend of the Turtles

An old trading story rehashed in my latest at Yahoo: The Legend of the Turtles In 1983, Richard Dennis wanted to settle an argument with William Eckhardt. ...

India PMI drops to 56.3

The HSBC Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) shows a sharp fall from the 60.3 number in Aug to 56.3 in September. (Source: Markit) A figure above 50 indicates ...

MIPs and Commissions

Reader A writes in, about my note on Commission Oriented Advice: Just read your note below and I must say I’m a bit confused. I don’t know about ...

Links: SKS CEO, SEBI Outrage, Cover Stories

Moneylife is pissed with SEBI. I’m not in favour of their arguments; though some of them are forced through for no reason (such as KYC or KYD being made ...

Primary Articles Inflation Shoots Up to 18.31%

Primary Articles (Food mostly) has shown an inflation of 18.31% with the new index going up substantially last week to cross 180. There is a lag between ...