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OT: Two CWG Golds Worth A Rewatch


The games are over. Two videos that I want to share. The first was an unbelieveable effort by our 4×400 women’s relay team. (In order, Manjeet Kaur, Sini Jose, Ashwini Akkunji and Mandeep Kaur) (See photo – finally a page that gets the names right)


Our badminton commentary was horrible in comparison with the 4×400 relay. It’s amazing how good commentary can build up “josh” for the viewer – though honestly, if you play or follow Badminton, you’ll be awestruck at Saina’s comeback from 0-1, 21-22 down to win the Gold – what an amazing match.


This is off topic. Kalmadi still needs to be taken down. But that shouldn’t mellow our pride in our athletes.


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