The stop loss of 3400 has been breached on the Short Only Strategy. Since I only use end-of-day prices, and this was the first day the EOD price crossed 3400, ...
Just took a deeper look at MoneyVidya, a community site for Indian stock market investors. Given I’ve just come off Moneyoga, the space still retains my ...
I learnt from Kaushik about Johann Hari’s article on Dubai: The wide, smiling face of Sheikh Mohammed – the absolute ruler of Dubai – beams down on ...
From LiveMint: Real Estate cos headed for a debt trap? People familiar with the developments say DLF’s debt is around Rs15,000 crore. On an average, the ...
WPI Inflation has come down to 0.26%, an all time low. The 10 year bond yield suddenly dropped from 6.95% yesterday to 6.69% today, something quite strange as ...
After elections, how would it be to let go of the full fertilizer subsidy? If I recall right, the fert. subsidy bill was greater than 100,000 cr. – paid ...
From Zero Hedge: AIG, knowing it would need to ask for much more capital from the Treasury imminently, decided to throw in the towel, and gifted major bank ...
As we start a new quarter, and a new financial year, let’s go back a little bit and look at the previous two years. The Nifty EPS, calculated from data ...