Due to some unscheduled laziness the Futures and Options course has had to be moved to December 13. I wanted to do it tomorrow but for this WiZiQ will have to make it a public session and that obviously needs time, and I wish I had done this a few days back but I was lazy and doing other stuff. In general, I’m making a lot of excuses, all it means is the session ain’t happening tomorrow, it will happen a week later.
The session has been setup, and you can see it here:
One thing I must tell you: WiZiQ is incredible. I hope I’m able to do justice to it – the software just blew me away. It requires no installation of any sort, just flash.
SOme fundas:
- Session will be only audio. Why bother with video and extra bandwidth, when all I need is to talk along with the slides.
- You will need speakers, and while you can hear me – I can’t hear you.
- There will be Q&A in the middle and end of the session. You’ll have to type your questions in. If you can’t get your questions answered, please mail me at (deepakshenoy at gmail dot com) and I will either respond or place an FAQ on this blog.
- I will have a 31 page presentation, that will be downloadable by anyone after the session.
- The entire session should be downloadable afterwards, so if you’ve missed it, I’ll post an entry pointing to the right place.
Now, if some of you want a session on something else – basic or intermediate level – I can hold a one hour session outside trading hours over the next week. Let me know what you would like to learn about.