Nifty closed at 4412 today. I’d mentioned to a friend on Monday, when the market was around 4300 or so, that the options data seemed to suggest that the ...
Firstsource has acquired MedAssist for $330 million. Few salient points: MedAssist makes about $100 million in revenue 22-24% EBIDTA margins, so EBIDTA is $24 ...
U.S. housing data isn’t encouraging The US markets are down on bad housing data. With house sales reducing every month (y-o-y) for the last five months, ...
Yay! You may never have to pay an entry load to a fund again. SEBI has requested for comments on a proposal that says, essentially, that you need not pay any ...
Lots of ups, downs, and sideways things happening in the broad market. Some news: FIIs are selling. FIIs have sold more than 8500 crores this month, till ...
Does it pay to be actively involved with your investments? Rohit posted his comments on my earlier post (“Build Leverage“), and Prem has noted this ...
This one is a problem for you guys. Quantum AMC has an article in their July 07 newsletter saying thus: Lets take a normal school classroom. During the ...
India is the world’s largest single stock futures market, according to an article in FT. Meaning, nowhere else in the world do people trade stock futures ...
Prem Sagar has an interesting post about active investing versus a fill-it-shut-it-forget-it (sorry Hero Honda) approach: Say, you have 50 lakhs to invest. ...
Quantum Mutual fund says they are a “different” kind of fund. They have no distributors (you must buy from them or from Personalfn or Equitymaster, ...