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Month: May 2007

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How to buy Stocks: Opening a Brokerage Account in India

Once you have understood what shares and stock markets are, you will want to know how to buy stocks, and sell them and such. You need a broker. You will never ...

Investing in stock markets – a roundup

Investing in stock markets is not rocket science, and is definitely not an art form. A disciplined approach can yield good returns that can be above your ...

Biggest Losers: Marksans pharma

I’ve invested in stocks, on and off, for a while now and while I tend to talk about some of the stocks I’ve liked and have done well, let me tell ...

Balaji: Great results, use trailing stop losses

Balaji Telefilms has announced it’s 4th Quarter 07 results. The quarter was stellar, growing profits 37.25%, from 15.5 cr. to 21.28 cr. from the same ...

Market Manipulation by “Smart Money”

This is a US video but it’s important for us in India as well, because we are as prone to manipulation. Tom Williams, retired syndicate trader and ...

Of Shares, IPOs and Stock Markets

If you’re wondering what this thing is that people call “shares” and how does it affect your life, here goes. When companies look for money ...

A equity fund that's like a debt fund: Arbitrage opportunities

How would you like to invest in a fund that gives you: a) better returns than liquid funds b) same risk as a liquid fund c) much better tax treatment than a ...

Balaji Telefilms spikes up to Rs. 180

Balaji Telefilms has spiked up to Rs. 180. In my last update, I mentioned that it has moved fast to Rs. 160, and that I would sell 25% of my holdings at 175. I ...

Sector Exit Call: IT

There seems to be problems with the Infomation Technology space (IT) in India. What’s the situation? Increasing Rupee The rupee is now around Rs. 41 to ...

Subscribe to this blog by email

Okay, this one is a “PR” type post. Instead of having to visit my site ever so often, you can choose to get the articles I write on email instead. ...