Agents are selling ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans) saying that they have WAY lower management fees and they will therefore, in the long run generate better ...
Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) are commonly heard today, especially in IT companies. So what’s this all about? Okay, let’s start with history. ...
Bullish Indian offers 8 tips to retail IPO investors. The article says IPO investing is a low risk way of making money. The truth is, investing in IPO is an ...
Toughiee has a very interesting post on the Futility of Market Forecasters. He has taken to task Gautam Shah of JMMS, who forecast a major fall when the Sensex ...
I mentioned in my last post that I bought a Put option on Tata Steel. Now notice how much the 510 put option has fallen today. From Rs. 12 at yesterdays close ...
Tata Steel (Tisco) revealed how it will fund the Corus Acquisition ($12.9 billion, or 52,000 crores). Out of this, Tata Steel will provide $4.1 billion (Rs. ...
I recommended Balaji Telefilms on Aug 26, 2006 at Rs. 118, and reviewed it to a target of Rs. 175 within a year. The price is now Rs. 161 and the company gave ...
SEBI is looking to tighten regulation for investment advisers who offer “hot tips” on the Internet, SMS and other media. For this, it is asking for ...
I received the following mail from an anonymous commenter that I want to bring to your notice: I’ve had a very bad experience with Birla Sunlife ULIP. My ...
From it’s fourth quarter results, Infosys made profits of Rs. 1,144 crore in the fourth quarter versus 983 crore in the previous year, a growth of 16.38% ...