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4 ArticlesSKSMICRO

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IDFC Mutual Fund reduces stake in SKS Microfinance from 3.3% to 2.5%

SKS Microfinance Limited (SKS) is a non-banking finance company (NBFC), regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. It was founded in 1997 by Vikram Akula. The ...

Readings: Bank Elite, MFI, MoneyLife, 99ers

A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives by NYT. How the big bankers won’t let in the small guys into the market they control and keep opaque. ...

MFIs get hit by AP Government

On Oct 15th, the Andhra Pradesh Govt. issued an ordinance to rein in Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) in the state, quoting their strong arm recovery methods. ...

Microfinance Suicides, Kidnaps, Regulations

Some disturbing links about Micro-finance Institutions (MFIs) recently: TOI: Microfinance Agents kidnap a 10-year-old girl to punish mother for default. AP’s ...