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[Podcast] Imagining MERA: My Empowered Retirement Account

 Here’s something to think about before we begin. Your imagination will set some context. Imagine, you can have a retirement ...

Podcast #19: Investing in NPS? The good, the bad, and the annuity

“You can beat the NPS and it’s associated tax benefits, if you are able to generate just 1% above NPS returns consistently till retirement, but ...

Video: John Oliver on Investments, And How it works in India

This is old, but brilliant. John Oliver on Investments, Retirements and All Things So Funny. Some of this stuff needs to change for India. You don’t have ...

How much do you need, in order to retire?

I’m curious about this: what is REAL financial security? To me it is the ability to build income PURELY through returns on your investments, and have ...