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Adani Group Companies Explained: Adani Green

This is first in a series of simple explainers on the businesses of the Adani Group. The value of Adani Group companies has jumped 5x in the last one year. ...

Results: Nifty Companies Show 8.7% growth in Net Profit for Q4 2016, Annual Growth at 0.7%

With this results report card, today marks the end of the Earnings Season for the financial year 2015-16. Not all results were as expected, but there have ...

Suckered: NTPC's Awesome Bonus Debenture and How The Government Gets 9,700 crores Without Selling a Single Share

NTPC has decided to graciously give “Bonus Debentures” to all its shareholders. If you own a share, you get a debenture free. (It’s not ...