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Why investing more money matters more than targeting higher returns

There's no end to the fight for higher returns, but is it really worth the effort? If what you need is a pot of gold at the end, is it just better to focus on ...

The Yield Frontier: Profiting from G-Sec & Sensex Yield Dynamics

Who doesn't want to time the market? Everyone looks out for the perfect time to shift from debt to equities and vice versa. In this post, we delve into the ...

Should you invest at market highs?

Between July 1999 and Nov 2022, the Nifty closed at a high on 713 days out of 5,833 days, roughly 12% of all trading days. And since markets have been ...

On Market Timing: What if you were the luckiest investor in India?

Covid, lockdowns, forced working from home were the guests who would never leave. After two years, we had just about managed to manoeuvre them toward the door. ...

First hand lessons for Investors and Traders from the Capitalmind Premium Community

"What the market teaches you is humility. That you can take nothing for granted, and that value is a figment of your imagination. Investing decisions, ...

Books we Like: On Investing, Trading & More

Isaac Newton famously said  “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”, so is true for the ideas, portfolios and strategies at ...

What to buy after a crash: Lessons from the past

Corrections happen. A cursory look at the chart shows, from 1990 to 2020, the NIFTY has seen 10 corrections of over 20%. That is one every three years. Except, ...

Does buying expensive quality stocks work?

It’s the 1960s. New investors join the markets in droves. The number of shareholders crosses a landmark number for the first time in history.  Most of these ...

Making Sense of Sector Valuation Multiples

A chart first to set context. Range of enterprise value (EV/EBIT) multiples prevailing by sector in India.  It shows two things: Investor ...