After five extensions and over two years after the deal was first announced, the merger between Bharti Infratel Ltd. and Indus Towers Ltd. – to create the ...
On June 14, we wrote that there was a very interesting trade in Bharti Infratel, due to it’s buyback. (The Infratel Buyback Offer Has A Near Certain 10% ...
Remember Infratel? That Bharti company where we had posted a few weeks back that offered a near-certain 10% return if you bought on June 14, and tendered ...
Bharti Infratel will buy back shares worth Rs. 2,000 cr. soon – in fact, if you buy the shares today, you will qualify to tender your shares for buyback. ...
Q4 Results are out! As the Nifty 50 companies line up to disclose their performance report, we bring you a summary of their results along with the schedule ...
Q4 Results are out! As the companies line up to disclose their performance report, we bring you a daily summary of the previous days results. Here is a quick ...