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4 ArticlesHUL

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What Happens to Company Cash Flows During a Lockdown

Cash flows are the life line of every business. Efficient management of cash flows is instrumental in a business firing on all cylinders. On the other hand, ...

HUL At 700: Best To Not Have Tendered!

When I wrote about the HUL Open Offer, I suggested that it would be better to have sold the stock in the market than to have tendered in the open offer. ...

Unilever Open Offer Nets $3 bn, Gets Them To 67%

Unilever’s open offer for Hindustan Unilever (HUL) shares has been completed, with them acquiring about 32 cr. (320 million) shares at the price of Rs. 600. ...

Should You Tender Shares in Unilever’s Offer For HUL?

Hindustan Unilever Limited’s owner, the global Unilever, is offering Rs. 600 per share to increase their stake from 52% to 75%. Effectively they are buying ...