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23 ArticlesGreece

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Greece Has To Kneel, Beg and Completely Capitulate, Says New Deal

Greece finally has a deal. We don’t know if this is agreed upon in pure exhaustion after 17 hours of negotiations, but it’s something that involved ...

Greece Has Rough Choices: Temporary Grexit or Much More Austerity

The weekend is over and there is no Greece deal yet. The latest is that the European Troika are not okay with Greek PM Tsipras capitulating completely on ...

Why I Think Markets Will Go UP When Greece Says No

Greece has voted. But we don’t know yet what they’ve voted because the words that will echo through news channels and websites for the rest of the ...

Hedge Funds That Recently Bet on Greece Include Paulson and Watsa

It’s seems some big hedge funds have set up positions in Greece recently that might become stressed (HT John Paulson’s firm acquired a ...

Banks in Greece Shut on Monday as ECB Shuts Off Liquidity Tap; Rough Week for Markets Ahead

I would technically want to write something beyond Greece. But it beckons. Because: Greek Banks to be closed on Monday after ECB freezes liquidity tap: Greece ...

That Greece Endgame: One Third of ATMs Emptied As Greece Goes Political When Bailout Talks Fail

This might finally be the Greece Endgame. On Friday, the Euro nations gave Greece a proposal that allows it to repay its debt. On Friday, Greece rejected that ...

You Might Not Believe It, But It is Greece Time Again!

Greece is back! We won’t bore you with the details but it seems there’s doing crisis level meetings (again) on the fact that Greece needs money, ...

Greece On The Edge Again, Banks See 1.5 Billion Euros Taken Out As Big Payment Defaults Loom Ahead

The crisis in Greece is apparently something no one cares about anymore. Someone’s bound to figure this thing out, we feel, because for goodness sake, ...

Greece Talks Fail, Grandstanding By All Involved, But We Think Greece Will Win This Round

There has been a lot said about Greece, but you have to give the new government one thing: They have guts. The Greece talks failed on Monday, mainly because ...

Greece: 11 Lost Years, and Counting

As we see Greece rejoicing the win of a party that says they should renegotiate Euro debt, let’s see how their economy has done. (Data from ECB) ...