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4 ArticlesCredit Cards

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What is Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)?

What does Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) really mean? Of course you can pay later, but what if you don't? Who takes the hit? The idea of consuming now, and paying ...

Capitalmind Saturday Coffee – Credit Cards, BPCL, Go Air and Diamond Hands

While you got the coffee and we’ve got for you a market update, 3 articles from Capitalmind, the Best content from our slack community, 4 insightful ...

Locked Down: Card Spends Crash After April to New Lows

Sometimes it's not obvious how much the lockdowns have hit the economy, so we have to look at some data that's released on a more regular basis. RBI releases ...

SBI Cards: Does it have an edge in India’s digital payment ecosystem?

What's with the second largest card issuer in India? SBI Cards listed in 2020. But then Covid hit, and hit hard. You can't travel so you won't hit the card ...