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7 ArticlesCapital Gains Tax

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Fed raises rates, FinMin raises taxes, What we are reading & More

Crude is back to a point where it was before the Russia-Ukraine war and hence you see that big red horizontal candle at 1Y time frame, in the below chart. This ...

Tax Planning: A quick single before the financial year ends

A quick way to reduce your tax bill by at least ₹10,000 if you haven't realised long-term capital gains in equities and mutual funds in ...

How Income tax on share trading profit works in India

How does income tax on share trading profits work in India? Should trading gains be classified as Business income or Capital gains? How are gains on unlisted ...

The Basics of Capital Gains Tax

With the increase in investing and trading in securities over the past few decades, capital gains have become an important source of income for many taxpayers. ...

Saving Capital Gains Taxes through Rights Harvesting

You may have some capital gains in a financial year which you’ll need to pay tax for. This happens when you sell a house. Or when you sell your ESOPs. Or ...

Fundas: Long Term Capital Gains

Long term capital gains (LTCG) applies when you profit from a “capital asset”, in this context meaning something that involves a long term ...

Capital Gains Tax: A primer

If you make a profit buying and selling Capital Assets (Property, Stock, Mutual Fund units etc.), you need to pay Capital Gains Tax. Here’s a primer: ...