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Month: June 2024

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Arman Financials: Serving India UnInc.

If our economy sneezes, people at the fag end of the economic pyramid catch a cold, and so does the MFI industry that serves them. Even within these adverse ...

A New Addition to the CM Equity Mutual Fund Portfolio & Performance Update

Started in August 2022, Capitalmind Equity Mutual Fund Portfolio picks a set of mutual funds that have quantitatively demonstrated strong performance across ...

Piccadily Agro: An Indian Single Malt Distiller Making Waves

Piccadilly Agro Industries, the brainchild behind India's award-winning single malt, Indri, is strategically expanding its operations and product line to meet ...

RateGain: A Play on Travel Industry Operations

RateGain is one of the leading distribution technology companies globally and is the largest Software as a Service (SaaS) provider in the hospitality and ...