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Month: October 2023

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Cello World IPO: Ahead of the curve in Indian Consumer ware market?

This post is unlocked with the 14-day free trial. Find the link below👇 to start your free trial. Cello, an established and pioneering brand in the Consumer ...

How geopolitical conflict impacts equity markets

Over the weekend, news of the vicious attack by the militant group Hamas on Israeli civilians emerged. Going by initial reports of casualties, the ongoing ...

[Podcast] Should you invest in a PMS?

 Welcome back to the Capitalmind Podcast – a place where we dissect the nuances of finance and investing, in ...

How EMIL is standing out amongst Consumer Durables Retailers

EMIL, popularly known as Bajaj Electronics (not related to the Bajaj Auto Group), is the fourth-largest consumer durable retailer in India, competing with ...

The 12% Myth: Estimating Long-Term Equity Returns

12% is the most common assumption plugged into financial planning models, with good reason. The problem is long-term returns in India have a wide range. In the ...