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Nifty is up 16% in 2017 despite Bad June, 10 Year SIP Returns at 8%


It’s half the year! And the Nifty has already returned more than 16% in 2017. June was however the first negative month in the year, with a -1% return on the Nifty. Nifty Monthly Returns
And in the process, we also evaluate your returns on 10 years of systematic investing in the Nifty. This doesn’t include dividends so you can add 1% to 2% for actual returns. It turns out we get to just 8% on the Nifty for the last 10 years.
The five year return is better, and three years, not quite so.
Nifty Rolling SIP Returns
Just a data point. Nothing to indicate that the Nifty is a bad thing to invest in over the long term, but you have to note that returns are much lesser than earlier. With lower inflation, adjust your expectations accordingly.


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