September witnessed an inflow of Rs. 16,071 crore against Rs. 25,332 crore in August, 2016 and an outflow of Rs. 77,142 crore in September, 2015.
Debt Funds: Massive Flows Outward
- We saw investor purchases stabilizing around 70,000 crore.
- Redemptions were extraordinary, at Rs. 84,335 crore – the first time since April that redemptions have been higher than fresh investments.
- Which means the net outflows were the highest at nearly 11,000 cr.
Equity: Great Month, But Investors Uninterested
- Gross Purchases for the month of Sep, 2016 stood at Rs. 20,042 crore – a drop of over Rs. 1,271 crore compared to Aug, 2016.
- This was the second highest in 17 months with these levels seen last month at Rs. 21,313 crore.
- Net Inflows stood at Rs. 3,743 crore.
Balanced Funds: Inflows Pick up
- Net Inflow for Sep, 2016 stood at Rs. 3,275 crore – the highest since December, 2015.
- Slow to catch up with purchases of Rs. 4,317 crore
The Big Data Chart: Inflows, Outflows and Net flows
- Point to note would be April, 2015, February, 2016 and September, 2016 wherein only Debt Funds witnessed redemptions higher than purchases compared to Equity, Balanced and Liquid Funds.
Source: AMFI -> Research & Information -> AMFI Monthly
Note: Sales/ Redemption values depicted in graphs are in millions.
We cover the monthly report covering the sales and redemption/ repurchase dataof Mutual Funds in India. This will be a regular feature going forward.
You can catch the previous month report here: Equity Mutual Funds See 11-Month High in Net Flows in August : Data Monster