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Month: August 2014

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Optionalysis: Reliability of Max Pain on the Day Before Expiry

This is a Capital Mind Premium post (see Subscription options). We speak of option pain for various stocks and how Expiry day changed ...

Six Concrete Ways India Can Build A Better Future

I write for Quartz India, on how India can build a better future by focussing on doing things better. We pay too little attention to building things better, so ...

The VIX Is Close to All Time Lows; But Does That Make Options Worth Buying?

The VIX has touched close to an all time low at 13.07, and at this point options aren’t just cheap, they’re the cheapest they’ve ever been. Since the Vix ...

Private Banks Have Most Frauds, But PSU Banks Get Hit For The Largest Amount

Data from RBI Deputy Governor, K C Chakrabarty’s speech to analyse the numbers behinds Financial Frauds that were committed. On a year-on-year basis, ...

Optionalysis: MA20 Update: Short Term Weak Reversal Visible

This is a premium post for Capital Mind Premium subscribers. Please check ...

Macronomics: Bank Fraud Analysis Shows PSU Banks Get the Least, But Largest Frauds

This is a post for Capital Mind Premium subscribers, detailing the fraud statistics into various ...

Rulings on Cars and Coal Will Take Their Toll, Haunted by the Past

Two rulings have spooked markets yesterday, and the impact continues today. First the Supreme Court declared that all coal block allotments since 1993 were ...

Nifty EPS and P/E Chart: EPS Growth Dips to 10%

Nifty EPS Growth drops suddenly to 10% in the last few days. The trailing 12 month P/E (non consolidated) is at 20. This kind of thing happens a lot; but ...

Premium: IPO Analysis: Snowman Logistics, a Cold-Chain Player (Premium)

Here’s a post from the Capital Mind Site that we thought would be of interest in your mailbox, as the IPO starts tomorrow. Snowman Logistics is offering ...

IPO Analysis: Snowman Logistics, a Cold-Chain Player

Snowman Logistics is offering shares to the public in an Initial Public Offer (IPO) 26th to 28th August 2014 4.2 cr. shares on offer, 10% for retail (Up to Rs. ...