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Charts & Analysis

How the Indian Stock Market Compares with the Rest of the World (September 2012)


After a long season, let’s hit some international charts again. All data till Thursday (so none of the Friday gains are in)

The German DAX has done very well, with over 21% returns. In the US, the S&P has a near 14% return for the year, with the Nifty a third at 13.3%.


Shanghai performs the worst, being the only index of the above lot that’s negative for 2012. However, the Nikkei is just about above water at 2.7%.

The Nifty does very well on BRIC – with Brazil and Russia at sub-5% for the year. 


Finally, let’s take a look at Asia. Singapore comes close to India’s return, which is still numero uno.


Having said all of this, will the ranking remain this way? With the massive coal and power scams, with a dysfunctional government, with no action in parliament, with rising inflation, with a potential drought, and with large defaults looming for our banking system, why should India really get a premium?

We’re still doing remarkably well in that context. But will the run last? I will post later this year.


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