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Month: March 2012

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Startup Tax: Becoming a Venture Capital Fund

Also Read: Angel Investors Beware: Funding Startups Could be Classified as Income Many investors have asked, privately, if they can set up a Venture Capital ...

Private Cos: Investors Must Reveal Source Of Funds

Also Read: Angel Investors Beware: Funding Startups Could be Classified as Income Yet another amendment in the budget will open a can of worms, though this one ...

Startup Tax: Tax Dept Tells You How To Value Your Startup

We know now that the new amendment in the budget will attempt to tax angel investors that want to buy into a company at a “premium” valuation, a concept ...

Digital Still Cameras Get 10% Duty

In a tiny little addition, customs duty has been introduced on Digital Still Image Cameras. Till last year, all digital still cameras were not charged duty. ...

Angel Investors Beware: Funding Startups Could be Classified as Income

Startups, founders and Angel investors, please note the change in Budget 2012 that has been slipped in, innocuously. An investment in any private company could ...

Duty Free: Bring Rs. 35,000 Worth Goods Back

There was one thing that interested me a lot: towards the end of the Budget Speech, the FM said : 217. Baggage allowance for Indians travelling abroad was last ...

Budget 2012: New Tax Slabs

I’m writing a lot on the budget, but I thought I’d do a quick post since most questions are in this domain. The tax slabs have been reorganized to align ...

Budget 2012: Live Blog

This was a live blog. Excuse the mistakes.   12:45 PM: Cigarettes and Bidi excise duties go up 2% everywhere.  Titan down 2% on the gold news? Gold duties ...

Diesel Prices Must Be Deregulated In the Budget

I write at Yahoo, Diesel Prices Must Be Deregulated In the Budget Diesel prices are way below the price of petrol for a long time now, with the difference of ...

RBI Leaves Rates Unchanged

In a very boring macroeconomic note (mid quarter review, March 2012) the RBI decided not to change anything, and wait and watch. They had recently reduced the ...