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Interactive Inflation Map for June 2011


Check out MarketVision’s Interactive Inflation Map for June 2011, according to data released today. This is an interactive visualization where you can click to zoom in, right-click to zoom out, and see inflation in each element of the WPI basket as defined hierarchically.

Also read our detailed article highlighting key points in the June data, with screen grabs. Excerpt:

Inflation Components

Inflation Components

Important: Manufactured Goods is at it’s highest level since October 2008 (which is when oil prices hit new highs). Primary articles and fuel are high – as I’ve been saying on weekly charts. Note that all the lines are now sloping upwards.

Inflation Map: Overall

Inflation Map June 2011

The colours are coded according to this legend:

Interactive Inflation Map for June 2011

For each item, Inflation is shown as [Category Name] (Annual Inflation, Change from Last Month). The size of each box is the weight of the commodity. Use the left and right mouse buttons to navigate (zoom in or out)

Read the full article and explore the interactive map. Do tell us what you think!


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