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MarketVision's Interactive Inflation Map: March 2011


At MarketVision, I have a great interactive map of Inflation, and a detailed article that explains how inflation has various elements to it. Excerpted here, do take a look!

The headline number for March 2011came in at 8.98%.

You will see a lot of square boxes with different colours. The size of each box is its weight in the parent, and the colour is based on the inflation of that item as given below.


Inflation at 8.98%

Headline Inflation Map

At the top most level

Overall, Primary Articles inflation has come down from the 14%+ in Feb to 13%, but Fuel’s gone up from 11.5% to nearly 13% now. And the two of those just form 35% of the total WPI figure. The missing and more important area is:

Manufactured Goods Going Up!

Manufactured goods, which is a "secondary" item in that it contains elements that we use that are derived from primary articles (for example, if rubber is a primary article, tyres are secondary and so on). Manufactured goods is 65% of the index. Let’s also look at overall long term component growth:

Inflation Components

You can see the green line perk up! In the last two years, the highest it has been at is 6.43% and in March 2011, it was 6.21%. That’s up from the first reported figure of 3.95% in Jan. Which has now been revised, for January, to 5.19%. This brings us to:

Crazy Revisions Again!

In another weird twist, the inflation revisions have started to increase again – and January Inflation, first announced at 8.23%, is now revised up to 9.35%. This is scary.

Inflation Revisions


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