Manish Chauhan of Jago Investor has brought to my notice a troubling fact: A Dainik Bhaskar Group newspaper, Business Bhaskar, has copied a detailed article ...
Ólafur Grímsson, Iceland’s president, said that a significant eruption is likely soon at Katla. Katla is a HUGE volcano next to the recently erupted ...
RBI announces a temporary cut in SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio, or what percentage of deposits go into govt. bonds) of 0.5% to even out huge demands in the ...
Spain’s gone and rescued a bank yesterday. THE BANK of Spain stepped in at the weekend to rescue CajaSur, a Cordoba-based savings bank owned and controlled ...
Value research: RBI’s real role in the Interest Calculation change for SB accounts. It seems two people, Mahesh Khatani and Ajit Kumar Jain, went through the ...
Brokers are selling synthetic derivatives as structured notes to PMS clients. This is a common phenomenon – basically they sell a product in which they link ...
Today the FIIs went into sell mode for the Year: If you add up the net purchases for the year 2010, we are now at –1,637 crores. Domestic Institutions in the ...