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ULIP NAVs: Where?


There seems to be no single place which you can query for NAVs (Net Asset Values) of ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plans) of various Insurance Companies in India. (I have spoken about ULIPs earlier, here and here).

For Mutual Funds you can visit for daily NAVs of all Mutual funds, both Open and Closed Ended. Unfortunately there is no such link for Insurance company ULIP NAVs.

Company ULIP Name NAV Page
AMP Sanmar Kanaka Shree Click Here
Aviva All plans Click Here
HDFC Insurance All plans Click Here
Prudential ICICI All plans Click Here
ING Vysya Life All plans Click Here
OM Kotak All plans Click Here
LIC All plans Click Here
Max New York Life Life Maker (Investment)
Life Maker (Pension)
Click Here
Click Here
Met Life All plans Click Here
SBI Life All plans Click Here
Sahara India Life Sahara Sanchay Click Here (*)
TATA AIG Individual Plan Click Here
Group Pension Fund Click Here

(* Sahara India Life: Very slow scrolling NAV appears on empty screen)

I firmly believe that all Insurance companies MUST send daily NAV details to AMFI India, after all the units are like Mutual Funds. Also the companies must detail out:

  • How many units are being removed as “monthly charge”
  • What is the Fund Management charge (is it hidden in the NAV)?
  • What are the mortality charges that apply to units? (This can’t be generalised because mortality charges are different for each person, but a subscriber should be able to get this online)
  • What are the other charges being applied? (There are a number of charges applicable explained earlier)

I believe points 1, 2 and 4 seriously impact your returns. For instance if I bought 1000 units today and the NAV gained 25% in one year. Have I made 25%? No! Because the Insurance company removed 50 units (say) as monthly charges, fund management charges etc. all together. (Forget the mortality charge for now, that’s not comparable)

So I made lesser money than I thought, and to find out how much I have lost, I have to keep asking the insurance company how many ULIP units I have left. Not a very sound investing principle, in my opinion, since you can’t calculate your liquidity!

But still, I hope this NAV Link List helps. Do add a comment if I’ve missed anyone out, or if the links are wrong.

Update 9/2/06: I found that a moneycontrol page that consolidates ALL the NAVs.


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