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Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore


Assets managed by the MF Industry has increased from Rs. 16.85 lakh crore in Oct-16 to Rs. 16.94 lakh crore in Nov-16. 
Sequential growth stood at 0.48% or Rs. 0.08 lakh crore compared to a 1.01% or Rs. 0.13 lakh crore during the same period in the previous year.
Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore

Institutions vs Individuals

The composition between the Individual Investors and Institutional Investors has remained stable at around 44.6% and 55.4% respectively though both the groups have made massive new investments.
While Individual Investors did not make any fresh investment. Rather they reduced their exposure by Rs. 0.09 lakh crore. At the same time Institutional Investors made fresh investment of Rs. 0.17 lakh crore.
Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore

Scheme Wise Composition

Fresh investments in Debt stood at Rs. 0.18 lakh crore, Equity witnessed outflows at Rs. 0.12 lakh crore and Liquid remained flat.
Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore
Here is how the investment decisions were spread across the different schemes between Individuals and Institutions:
Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore

B15/ T15 Mix

The top fifteen cities in India are marked as T15 for mutual fund investors – so if you’re in these cities, your investment is a T15 investment. B15 is everything else.

  • B15 assets have grown from Rs. 2.24 lakh crore in Apr-16 to Rs. 2.81 lakh crore in November – a growth of 25% or 0.56 lakh crore.
  • T15 assets have grown at a lower rate from Rs. 11.61 lakh crore in Apr-16 to Rs. 14.12 lakh crore in November – a growth of 22% or 2.51 lakh crore.

Ratio of Investment in Equity and Non Equity between the B15 and T15 investors have remained at a constant ratio of 49:27 and 51:73 i.e. B15 and T15 Equity and B15 and T15 Non Equity.
Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore

Distributors vs Direct

  • 41% of the assets or Rs. 6.94 lakh crore of the mutual fund industry came directly. Since Apr-16, Direct Investments have increased by Rs. 1.68 lakh crore or at 32%.
  • Remaining 59% were derived from distributors i.e. 59% of the assets which have grown from Rs. 8.59 lakh crore in Apr-16 to Rs. 9.99 lakh crore – an increase of 1.40 lakh crore or at 16%.
  • ETF’s which witnessed an average 76% inflow directly, has seen a bump in investment through distributors which stood at 67% for November.

Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore

Average Assets Under Management contribution across India

Here is how the AAUM flow has changed across the 5 different zones in India.

  • For the first time since we have been publishing this data i.e. June-16, AAUM in West Zone has fallen by Rs. 2,400 crore.

Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore
Here is AAUM for the top 4 states. All values in Rs. Crore.

  • AAUM in Maharastra and Karnataka fell by Rs. 6,500 and Rs. 1,100 crore respectively while both Gujarat and New Delhi each added Rs. 4,100 crore.

Investors Flock To Debt Funds, Total Assets Growth At 0.5% Or Rs. 8,116 Crore
Note: Average AUM is the average amount of assets held during a period i.e. it is calculated by taking the sum of assets at the beginning of a period and assets at the end of the period and then dividing the sum by 2.
Source: AMFI -> Research & Information -> Other Data


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